Okay, since I'm somewhat weak on photos here, I thought I'd respond to
this week's LJ friday five in pictures!
What type of hair do you have? (Thin, Normal, Thick, Frizzy, etc.) Thick. Very, very thick. When I double it over in a ponytail to keep it off my neck, it's as thick as my wrist.
What color is your hair currently? Almost exactly this shade, to be honest! If I'm outside in the afternoon or evening, it sometimes takes on a faint reddish tint.
What colors have you dyed/highlighted your hair? Nothing too drastic. I've never used permanent dyes, and the further you go from your natural hair color, the more likely it is to look wig-like. And I'm fickle, so I wouldn't want something I'd be stuck with after I got tired of it.
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? The year I went to Comic-Con International in San Diego, I met a girl who had this FANTASTIC shade of turquoise hair. Hugely vibrant - deeper than this, actually, but I wanted to show something that looked, well, like hair!
What is your hair's length? [sic] It's now about shoulder length. I usually don't get it cut until it gets really long - say every few years. I know, I know, the hairstylists who read that will come after me...
I'm not too worried. ;)
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